Gillian Pritchett

Monday 2nd


Poetry and the World of Business - an Exploration


For a long time poetry has itself been marketed and often used in marketing but what about in other areas of business? The United States Military Academy is convinced that poetry has a key role to play in the development of its military personnel. CEOs in various companies use poetry as a tool to facilitate decision-making, strategy and creativity. Scholars have made convincing cases for the use of poetry in business and in consumer research, even investigating the correlation between financial restructuring and poetry. The most well known study was by the Strategy Institute of the Boston Consulting Group who commissioned an exploration into the role poetry might play in strategic thinking. Their study provided compelling evidence that when the right poems are used as a basis for discussion and analysis they can help with the thinking and decision-making process.


Gillian is an associate lecturer at Prague College and has an international business background in finance, mergers and acquisitions, strategic reviews, marketing and business consulting. She worked for the National Audit Office for seven years and in various senior management roles at the Thomas Cook Group. She moved to Canada in 1999 to work for BTI – a corporate travel company - as Director of Supplier Relations. She then moved into marketing and became Marketing Director with La Scène Musicale in Montreal. A chartered accountant (Member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy in the UK), Gillian holds two Masters degrees, both by research, one in French Studies (Warwick University) and the other in European Industrial Relations and HR (Keele University).