Wednesday 4th
State of the Art in CSR
The field of Corporate Social Responsibility is a complex landscape of theories and different, sometimes controversial, approaches. This talk presents a possible categorization and classification of actual existing models in terms of the classical four dimensions: profits, political performance, social demands and ethical values. The discussion will provide an opportunity to critically analyze the philosophical and economic foundations of the theories and models as well as offering insights into the main arguments for and against CSR in both academic and professional literature. Particular attention will be devoted to the CSV model as a way of measuring Shared Value and its relevance from a strategic point of view. The final part of the talk will focus on current CSR in Italy, and the role of the financial and banking sectors as main drivers.
Bruce Gahir has been with Prague College since 2007 and currently works as the Associate Head of the School of Business. He actively collaborates in CRIS (the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Studies), with the strategic development of which he is currently cooperating with Stefano Cavagnetto. Bruce’s research interests are in the areas of Virtue Ethics, Finance, and Business Strategy. Currently his research focuses on Business Ethics with a special interest in decision-making models using the framework of Virtue Ethics.